Grab A Fresh Copy The first step is to order a fresh copy of your credit report from one of the major agencies. The Fair Credit Reporting Act allows you to access a free copy of your credit report once every 12 months. So, if you have not ordered a copy recently, it is time to do so. You can access this free service through AnnualCreditReport.com, which is a website recommended by the Federal Trade Commission.
Clean Up Anything Outstanding
Now that you have a copy of your credit report, it's time to go through it, line-by-line. You should recognize every current and outstanding account in the report. Any balances owing should be in order and reflect how much you owe. It's critical that you flag any mistakes or old debts that you have already paid in full. If you come across anything that shouldn't be on your credit report, call the reporting agency to let them know. If necessary, they will assist you with challenging the issue.
Pay Down Those High-Interest Debts
The final tip in today's guide is to prioritize your outstanding debts so that you can pay them off more efficiently. The essential debt payments are your mandatory minimums, which you need to pay to avoid being sent to a collection agency. From there, try to pay off your debts with the highest interest rates first. Getting these paid off faster means that over time, you're spending less on interest payments. Moreover, you can use that extra cash to pay your debts down further.
The above are just a few of the action steps that you can take today to start improving your credit score. When you're ready to begin searching for your new home, contact your local real estate professionals.
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