Bright Accent Walls
While brightly colored paint can certainly enhance a room if it's done in the right home and the right space, it can also age the room it's in. If you've got a neon tone that's overstayed its welcome, you may want to pull out the paint and go back to a neutral-toned wall. This will ensure that visitors to your home are not overwhelmed by the look and won't have to consider renovating right away if they don't like the color.
Lightly-Shaded Wood Cabinets
It's one thing if you're in a log cabin, but most potential homebuyers don't want to see old kitchen cabinets that are lightly toned like maple and oak. This color palette can instantly age a kitchen and they're also not that easy an upgrade. A kitchen is one of the most important selling features of your home, so instead of leaving this to chance, consider pulling out the paint for an instantly improved cabinet finish.
Clunky Furniture Pieces
The furniture that fills your home may be one of the easiest fixes there is, but it also has a significant impact on how homebuyers will view the potential of your home. A large L-shaped couch or a clunky chair can not only swallow up a room, they can create an unpleasant visual for the buyer. In these modern times, it's best to stick with a more minimal look so that homebuyers can imagine themselves in your house. If you can't cover up your item, you may want to consider moving it out when it comes time for home viewings.
There are many design features and items in your home that you may love, but when it comes to oversized furniture and bright accent walls, they may not appeal to the modern buyer. If you're currently cleaning up your home and are planning to put it on the market soon, contact your local real estate professional for more information.
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