As exciting as selling a home should be, there's no denying that it can be a stressful endeavor for those interested in making their home an attractive option for buyers. Nowhere is this more evident than for homeowners who were former smokers.
While it's truly commendable to quit smoking, removing the smell of smoke from a home can feel like an impossible task. With that in mind, here are some of the most effective ways to make smoke smell and paint stain removal as effortless as possible.
Make Preparations Beforehand
Cigarette smoke has a nasty habit of permeating through every facet of a home. As such, it can be difficult to pinpoint the areas that are most problematic. Before starting the cleaning process, open all of the doors and windows throughout the home to help it air out naturally.
It's also worth mentioning that many longtime smokers have difficulty picking up the odor that they've become accustomed to. If you know someone that isn't a smoker, invite them over and ask them to point out any problem areas.
Treat Your Home Like a Quarantine Zone
Unfortunately, a home that is infested with smoke can create a cyclical effect on anything that is washed. If you want your clothing and linens to stop carrying the smell, you'll need an alternative to your own washer and dryer. Of course, you'll also need to keep them away from your home for the remaining duration of the cleaning process.
In particular, carpets have a habit of retaining smoke smells long after you've quit. With this in mind, taking care of any carpets or curtains in your home should be a top priority.
Account For Deeper Problems
Once you've given your home a steam cleaning treatment and washed all of the stained surfaces down with a mixture of water and bleach, you may still discover that some areas of the house are still affected. At this point, it's time to simply accept your losses and purchase a replacement. A nice smelling home will be far more attractive to buyers than one that inexplicably reeks of smoke.
If you're unsure of any further steps to take in preparing your home for a sale, don't hesitate to contact your real estate agent and request more information. Your home deserves a high price for all of the effort you've put into cleaning it.
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