Signs of mold in your attic can be indicative of a bigger problem in your house, which is why it is a good idea to nip this situation in the bud as soon as you see it developing.
The signs of this type of fungus can be quite diverse and sometimes unexpected, so it pays to understand exactly what to look for if you suspect you have mold in your attic. Here are the four signs that you have mold in your attic, as well as what you can do about it right now.
Sign #1: You Spot Condensation In Your Attic
Condensation often occurs in cold spots in your home, and it is also one of the primary causes of mold. In fact, if you have condensation, it may build up and start to form droplets or even small pools of water. Look for condensation to appear in places such as metal pipes and windows, and any area in the attic that is cold to the touch.
Sign #2: Water Leaks In From Outside
Continuing the pattern that mold relates to moisture, water leaks can be a surefire indication of mold. If you notice a leak in your roof from the attic, then that's a pretty reliable indication of a mold problem. Sometimes, though, water leaks can be hidden, as when they occur inside the wall cavities of your attic.
Sign #3: Are There Any Water Stains On The Ceiling?
When you spot water stains on the ceiling of your attic, you can expect it will turn out to be mold. This holds especially true if the water stains that you see are yellowish in appearance. Water stains can also appear in even darker colors – and if they do, it's a major sign that you have mold.
Sign #4: Rust On Pipes, Nails And Windows
Rust is never a good thing to spot in your attic, as this is a reliable sign of a mold problem. Examples of places where you might see rust in your attic are on the metal pipes, the windows and on any nails. When rust shows up, this usually indicates that it is related to another water problem, such as a water leak, a water stain or simple condensation.
What To Do About A Mold Problem
A mold problem in your home deserves immediate attention and correction, as allowing mold to fester can result in health problems and damage to your home's structure. The first step to deal with the issue is to get a mold inspection done in your attic, which is helpful in uncovering hidden mold as well. Then, if the test shows mold in an area greater than 10 square feet, it's time to call in a professional mold remover.
These are the four signs of mold and what to do about mold once you spot it. It's important that you are able to spot all of these important indications of mold, as it can be highly destructive and unhealthy if left untreated. Don't forget to call your trusted real estate professional today for more information on residential issues.
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