Kitchen space is a valuable commodity. If you feel stretched for storage space, you could throw away all the flatware your mother-in-law gave you, or you could keep the flatware and learn to use the space you have – more efficiently.
The number one most likely spot to find extra storage space is right under your kitchen sink. Organize your under sink area and it will free up space all over your kitchen.
Clean It Up
The cabinet below the sink has a nasty reputation. It's home to rusty pipes, water stains, and dead ladybugs. First thing is first – clean it up. If it still looks a little dingy, give it a fresh coat of white paint. That will lighten things up. You can also get a simple cloth mat to lie down. You can find one for less than five bucks.
Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
You can find a home for just about anything under the kitchen sink. It's a good spot for pots and pans, cleaning supplies, a trash can, or dog food. (Maybe not all of those things together – yuck.)
No matter what you decide to store in this wonderful space, it will be easier to access with the help of a rolling organization shelf.
With one of these bad boys, you won't have to stick your head in the cabinet to find the right tool. You can find some that are made specifically for this space. Be careful though. They can get a bit pricey.
Get Hooked
The key to saving space is to build vertically. Buy some plastic hooks, and hang things under the kitchen sink. It's a great way to store things like dishwashing gloves or dishrags. One clever trick is to secure a narrow dowel rod across the opening of the cabinet. Then you can hang any cleaning sprays across the rod. They come with a built in hook – the spray trigger.
Top Shelf Storage
You can buy amazing under-sink shelving at home store. Many of them snap easily together like Legos, and you can build them around your sink's pipes. If you fill the cabinet with shelving, then you're more likely to keep things organized.
If you're like me, then after a couple of weeks, you'll let your organized cabinet go to pot. With shelves, hopefully you won't end up just throwing everything underneath the sink.
If you're feeling short on kitchen space, try reorganizing. It's a lot cheaper than getting new cabinets, and you'll be amazed by how much space you already have. The space under the sink is a whole world of storage possibilities. If you have wasted space under the kitchen sink, then use it!
For more information about the Atlanta area real estate market, please email me at or call me at 404.918.2500.
~ Ed Short, Atlanta REALTOR®
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